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“Mr Weiss’s Power of Personal Worth and Fulfillment series is truly a gift. In a world that often complicates process, he has this unique ability to hit the bulls eye every time, with his straightforward and common sense approach. The information he shares via the three-tiered modules is quickly understood, absorbed and can be implemented immediately. This isn’t surface work. Mr. Weiss helps us go deeper into ourselves and our self-development which helps transform us at our core. I am looking forward to the rest of the series with great anticipation. I know with the help of his insights, knowledge and mentoring that I will attain all of my goals. It is an absolutely amazing experience and value for the price.”

Robert Slagle

Suzanne Bates

Suzanne Bates is the CEO of Bates Communications working with Fortune 100 companies to improve positioning and messaging.

Randy Gage

Randy Gage is the global thought leader on prosperity and personal success.

Rob Nixon

Rob Nixon is one of the world’s superb entrepreneurs, the thought leader in closely held firm profitability.

Andrew Sobel

Andrew Sobel is a global consultant in leadership and a best-selling author.