When I began coaching entrepreneurs and business owners 30 years ago, I was convinced that undercapitalization was the key obstacle to success. I thought that people were underestimating the money they’d need and overestimating the revenues they’d generate.
I was completely wrong.
The obstacle then and the obstacle now is a lack of self-worth, a feeling of inadequacy, a belief that one is an “imposter” who will be identified and humiliated.
This phenomenon is worse today than ever before, because the world is far more complex, options are overwhelming, advice gushes forth like a flow of lava, and people we think to be role models in sports, business, entertainment, and politics often turn out to be frauds. The greatest opponent most of us ever face is the voice inside our heads whispering (and sometimes yelling), “You don’t deserve this,” “Why would they listen to you?”, “That fee is far too high for your talents,” “When someone really good shows up you’ll be cast aside,” and so on.
- An unwillingness to “push back” even when you know you’re right.
- Continual “self-editing” of your speech and writing.
- Vacillating when an opportunity presents itself, and losing momentum.
- A feeling of “overwhelm” and lack of control.
- Seeking the “magic bullet” from coaches and self-help books.
- A constant need for perfection which undermines all chance of success.
- Overreaction to random, unsolicited feedback.
- Lack of energy and vitality.
- Fear of making a phone call to or taking a meeting with strangers.
I’ve determined that the greatest single factor separating success and lack of success is self-worth, the belief in one’s own talents, the drive to assertively prove oneself instead of protect oneself. It’s the difference between a poverty mentality and an abundance mentality. It’s calmness instead of panic under pressure. It’s awakening to happily conquer a new day rather than dreading a long, slow, crawl through enemy territory.
Building self-worth is the lever I’ve been able to use most often to help people achieve, triumph, and overcome. And I’ve found that it’s as important for people working in organizations as it is for people working for themselves.
I want to provide this to everyone I can, in privacy and pragmatically. I don’t believe in empty affirmations or sweat lodges or building sand castles on a beach. I believe in rapid, short-term actions and results.
I believe in the power of human potential, in our ability to learn and grow, and I begin all endeavors with the value that we all welcome personal improvement.
How can I do this on a global basis, and how can you participate with minimal disruption to your personal and business pursuits? Here’s how I intend to conquer that!
I’m providing a weekly, five-minute video; a weekly, brief electronic print booster; and a weekly, three-minute podcast. They will all contain new and varied material and will not duplicate each other, but I don’t care if you listen or read only one or two. I want to provide help in the media most comfortable for you.
I don’t want to interrupt your day, I want to make your day.
- The language of self-worth
- The essentials of influence
- Building your personal brand
- Eliminating perfectionism
- Overcoming “poor starts”
- Brilliant first impressions
- When to walk and when to “fight”
- Eliminating energy drains
- Gymnastics for mental health
- The dashboard of success
- Weathering storms
- Relationship problems
- Financial realism
- The armament of the well informed
- Achieving respect above affection
- Supreme confidence
- The myth of humility
- Valuing yourself
- Unfair and unbalanced relationships
- Undervaluing your contributions
Here’s where you can find an introduction:
Eventually, I’m going to produce more components, such as a quarterly conference (including one in London, one in Sydney, one in New York), a Forum to exchange ideas and concerns publicly or anonymously, and examples and role-plays on my app. Once we achieve critical mass I’ll schedule these and put them in motion, either free or with preferential fees for subscribers.